Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Things you should know about me if we are going to be friends...

 I keep the cabinet doors wide open in the kitchen, that’s all of them at times
I can’t sleep with the closet door open
I sleep with a really loud fan
I have burps that are known to register 9.5 on the Richter Scale
I hate making the bed
My purse is always messy
I still have a baby tooth
I leave the socks for my husband to fold
I’m really picky about my PB&J sandwich. {Peanut butter on both pieces of bread and jelly on one}
Great find at a thrift store makes my day
I love post it notes 
Oh and I'm really bad about talking on the phone! I would much rather go for a coffee date 

Hope this didn't scare you away!! What is something I should know about you?


  1. OH MY GOSH... just learned we are the same person :) we also sleep with a fan, and the only thing I make Mike do for laundry is match and fold socks! I would definitely go on a coffee date with you ;) I love this post, I definitely might have to steal this idea.

  2. I DREAD folding socks, they end up just getting thrown in a drawer lol.

  3. Ohhhh, I hate talking on the phone too! It's like can't we just get together and look at each other while we're talking?

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA girlfriend, I love you to pieces but SHUT THE DAMN DOOR already!!!!!!! Husband drives me absolutely bonkers because he'll leave cabinet doors open in the kitchen. EEEEK!!!!! Oh well, I love you. Big hugs!

  5. great post :D :D



  6. A thing you should know about me... im the newest follower on your blog! Loved your furniture DIY in the above post they look great! -Char

  7. I have the same 4 things as you do, especially the closet door or the bedroom door even... I blame my uncle who had a tools hidden in a closet at his house and convinced me when i was little that a monster lives there and i should stay out. Since then all closets scare me lol evil uncle!

    I am a new follower :)
