Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hello Tuesday!

This week is already flying by! I wish it could slow down just a little bit! I don't have a post ready for today, but I would like to thank all of my newest followers! My goal was to gain 10 more last month to get to 50 and now I'm at 64! I also want to thank you for all the sweet comments! Hope you all have a wonderful day and check back tomorrow for a really yummy recipe! I think you will like it ;)

Take care,

P.S. If you are going through something really tough right now please read Romans5:3-4. It has really helped me this past week! 

Source: google.com via Judy on Pinterest


  1. Thank you too ^^
    this motivational is amazing!
    Hope you have a wonderful week! =)

    A loser like me

  2. I love that verse! It's just what I needed to hear since I'm right in the middle of a super busy semester! And congratulations on all the followers :)

  3. That's my favorite verse too. :)

  4. I have been excited for you and watching your blog grow. It has helped motivate me to get back in gear with mine. I finally created a button for me. That was a big deal for me! haha I would love for you to stop by my blog:)

    keep up the good work,

  5. Congrats on reaching the followers overtarget!
    Aniko :)
